The village of Seggiano, a charming Amiata village located at the foot of Mount Amiata, is trying to build a tourist circuit around the tasty world of oil
For some time now, olive oil has certainly been a product that arouses greater interest from tasters, consumers and even travelers. In fact, more and more consumers are approaching the world of food with greater awareness, contributing in fact to carrying on important battles: democratizing “good food” and creating, around the world of food and wine, a particular interest. Although it has not reached the levels of wine yet, oil is also creating cultural interest around it, so much so that there are many travelers who, following the suggestion of centuries-old olive groves, pleasantly find themselves discovering farms, mills and other structures that have made olives their strength.
The village of Seggiano, a charming Amiata village located at the foot of Mount Amiata, is trying to build a tourist circuit around the tasty world of oil. In order to promote and attract a certain type of tourism, Seggiano has built a path that leads the visitor to get to know the oil and specifically the monocultivar of Olivastra Seggianese in all its forms and variations.
An olive oil museum is open to the public and other scientific and promotional projects are the basis of a valid path that aims to raise awareness of the typical cultivation of Seggiano.