According to the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation (EU 679/2016) effective from 25 May 2018 for all personal data of citizens of the European Union,

I, the undersigned regarding the provision, storage and use of my personal data, declare first of all to have been informed that:

  • The Data Controller ER] is the company Az. Agricola Ciacci Anna with headquarters in con sede legale in Via Col del Rosso, 27 – 58038, 58038 Seggiano (GR), C.F. CCCNNA60E64C085E and VAT NUMBER: 01175900537
  • The purposes for which my data is processed is exclusively for: the execution of the contract; the supply of goods and services; communications by e-mail and telephone, only connected to the activity of the proprietor, to the promotion of the goods and services offered by him or to the promotional activities organized by him.
  • The collected and processed data is limited to the data for the issuance of the invoice, the data necessary for the communication to the Italian Public Safety Authorities, the data for the management of the payment (credit card details) and the telephone number/e-mail
  • The collected data is not sent or shared with other recipients, except for legal obligations forseen in Italy

I also declare to have been informed of my rights that allow me to revoke this consent, modify or delete the data previously provided or oppose data processing, with a simple communication via email to or telephone at +39 338 148 5386

or by mail to Az. Agricola Ciacci Anna, con sede legale in Via Col del Rosso, 27 – 58038, 58038 Seggiano (GR) – Italy

For these reasons I express my free and explicit consent to the processing of my personal data and authorize the proprietor to:

1) use my personal data (name, surname, postal address, tax code) for the execution of the contract, for the supply of goods and services requested by me, the issuance of the invoice and for legal obligations that impose the storage of my data for 10 years.

2) use my personal data (e-mail address or telephone number provided by me) to receive information on the supply of goods and services requested by me, on changes to the planned program or on promotions or commercial activities organized by the proprietor

3) use the data of my credit card or bank account, to process the payment of what I owe, knowing that this data will be stored on paper only for the time strictly necessary to complete the payment and collection procedures;

4) use my email address to receive communications on promotions, new products or services or on commercial activities organized by the proprietor, for a maximum period of 24 months, knowing that I will be able to interrupt commercial communications at any time with a simple communication to the addresses provided above.